Privacy policy

Information about our data privacy policy

Privacy policy is important to us! We would like to inform you about the purpose, type and scope of the personal data we use on our website. 

Responsible unit:

Tourismus Agentur Flensburger Förde GmbH
Nikolaistraße 8
24937 Flensburg
Phone +49 (0) 461 90 90 920
Email info(at)

Find further information on our company and its representatives in our Imprint.

Which data are being processed?

Data processing, legislative
We collect personal data in order to perform our services on the following legal basis:

- consent (article 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO)
- performance of contract (article 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO
- weighing of interests (article 6 para 1 lit. f) DSGVO)
- performance of legal duties (article 6 para. 1 lit. c) DSGVO)

We will explain the terms respectively, so you will be able to asses on which basis our data proceedings are being made.

You are entitled to revoke your consent to our processing of your personal data at any time.

In case we are processing data on a weighing of interests, you have the right to contradict the processing of your personal data according to para. 21 DSGVO.

Data access right
During your visit on our website, your personal data are being processed in order to present the site contents on your interface.

In order to present the contents in your browser, the IP address of your interface must be processed. Also, further information about your browser will be collected.

According to data law we are responsible to treat your personal data confidentially.

To provide this, the following data are being collected and stored as a result of a weighing of interests:

- the retrieving computer’s IP-address (for no more than 7 days)
- the retrieving computers operating system
- the retrieving computer’s browser version
- name of the retrieved file
- date and time of the query
- amount of transferred data
- retrieving URL

The IP-address will be deleted from all corresponding systems no later than 7 days after processing the internet pages.

No user profiles can be constructed by the remaining data.

These data are also being used to detect and correct errors on the internet pages.


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your computer. Cookies are required in order to perform some of the service functions. On your first visit to our website, you may configure the use of cookies in your browser’s control. If you configure your browser to accept all the necessary cookies to make use of the full service of our website, you will have to give your consent for the use of these cookies. Cookies will not install or launch any programs or other applications on your computer.

Using Cookiebot


Cookiebot is an online service that helps us ensure the way in which we use and track cookies conforms to data protection regulations. The web service Cybot A/S (Havnegade 39, 1058 Copenhagen, Denmark) allows your browser to send personal data to the above-mentioned company. Your data is processed in accordance with Art. 6 Section 1(f) of the GDPR. In this case, the legitimate interest is ensuring the website runs free of error. Your data will be deleted as soon as the purpose for which it was collected has been fulfilled. Further information on how the data collected is handled can be found in the privacy policy on You can stop from collecting and processing your personal data by disabling scripts in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser (you can find these on sites such as or You have the right to change or revoke your consent at any time.

Web analysis

This website uses the web analysis tool Google Analytics, as far as you have agreed to the use of cookies. Intended purpose is the tailored design of this site. Web analysis enables us to find and correct errors in the site e.g. by spotting incorrect links. Google Analytics uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer in order to facilitate the use of the website by you. To this intend so called client ID are being used, that facilitate the use of pseudonymised user profiles by desktop-computers and mobile computers of the same user.
Information about your use of this website gathered by cookies will usually be transferred to a server of Google Ireland and stored there. We have activated so called IP-anonymisation on this website, so that all IP addresses of users in the European Union will have their IP-addresses shortened by Google in order to make them unrecognisable. Complete IP-addresses will only exceptionally be sent to a server of Google Ireland and shortened there. Google shall use this information commissioned by the provider of this website in order to analyse your use of the website and to make reports of website activities and internet activities in connection with the services of the provider. IP addresses that are transferred by Google Analytics from your browser are not being connected with other Google data.
You can prevent storage of cookies by changing the configuration of your browser-software. In this case you will not benefit from the complete functionality and services of this website. Furthermore, you can prevent the processing of the website related data handled by the cookie (incl. your IP-address) and Google by downloading and installing the plugin from the following link (

. Further information on Google Analytic’s terms of use and the terms of use of private data can be found at and

Google Ads | Conversion Tracking

We use Google’s Conversion Tracking by Google Ads (Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA), as far as you have complied to the use of cookies. When you click a Google ad, a conversion-tracking cookie will be placed on your device. Cookies will expire after 30 days. They contain personal data, and we use them on the basis of weighing of interests. If you visit certain pages of our website prior to the expiration of your cookies, Google and we are able to see that you have clicked on the ad and have been referred to this page. The information derived by the conversion-cookies are needed to prepare conversion-statistics. The user can prevent these cookies from being placed by changing the configuration of the browser software. Furthermore, the user can deactivate Google’s use of cookies by following the link and installing the provided plug-in:  
We have activated so called IP-anonymisation and made a contract with Google, so that all IP addresses of users in the European Union will have their IP-address shortened by Google in order to make it unrecognisable. Complete IP-addresses will only exceptionally be sent to a server of Google USA and shortened there.
Google is certified according to the „Privacy Shield“ (List). Accordingly, Google guarantees user adequate protection of private data.
For more information about Google Ads and Google’s terms and data protection, go to:

Google Ads | Remarketing

This website employs the service of Google Ads of Google Ireland Limited residing at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland („Google“), as far as the use of cookies has been approved by you. Google Ads is an internet ad marketing service that provides advertisers with ads and results by Google search engine and within the Google-Ad network. Google Ads provide us advertisers to define key words and target groups for ads and search engine results from Google, that solely are being shown to users who search for results using search key words. Ads within the Google Ad network are distributed by an automatic algorithm and compliant with the predefined key words and target groups. Intended purpose of Google Ads is marketing our website by relevant specific banners on third party websites and by Google’s search results.
Furthermore, we use the service provided by Google Ad’s remarketing-function. Via this function we are able to target our ads for our users by personalised and interest-biased advertising, as far as users look up other websites within the Google display-network and make use of Google’s search engine. Google uses cookies as a basis to analyse the usage of websites and provide interest-biased advertising. Google deposits a cookie in your browser, when you look up Google’s service or other websites within the Google advertising framework. The cookie registers your visit to the website. Via this cookie we, as well as Google, are able to retrace whether you have been transferred to our website via an advertising banner, and whether turnover has been generated, that is whether the sale of a product has taken place or not.
Via this cookie personal information - e.g. websites, you have visited - is being collected. Subsequently, personal data including your IP-address will be transferred to Google at each visit from you on our website. These personal data are stored by Google. In certain cases, Google will transfer personal data to third parties via this technical process.
You can prevent our placing of cookies via our website permanently and at any time by the corresponding configuration of your browser. Such changing of your browser’s configuration will also prevent Google from placing an information-cookie. Furthermore, set cookies by Google Ads can at all times be deleted via the internet browser or other software programs.

Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies by third parties by retrieving the deactivation site of the Network Advertising Initiative at in order to find advanced information as to implement further out-options. Furthermore, you can dissent interest-biased ads by Google. If so, you have to retrieve the following link in any of your browsers in order to apply the desired configuration. Further information and applicable data security terms can be retrieved at

Using Linktree

If you have agreed to our use of cookies, this site uses Linktree (37 Islington Street, Collingwood, VIic 3066, Australia, and Bolster Creative PTY LTD, NY, USA), as third party in order to create link collections and share them on our social media platforms. This service places cookies for balancing of interests. Linktree retrieves data in direct connection to your login to a social media platform. If you object to tracking, you can log out, or go by the platform-dependent opt-out option - see in the following.

Data collecting through social media

We use social media in order to communicate our services to active users and interested parties. As advertisers we use data collecting by balancing of interests in order to give you a better user experience.
We would like to point out that some user data may be processed outside of the European Union. This may make enforcement of user rights more difficult. US-providers that are certified in compliance with Privacy-Shield are liable to comply with the EU data protection standards.
Furthermore, user data are normally used to process marketing research and advertising purposes. For this intended purpose cookies are stored on the users’ devices, where the interests and ad related conduct of users are being stored.  
Processing of the users’ personal data is done on basis of our legitimate interest in an efficient information for the user and communication with the user under the terms of para. 6 art. 1 lit. f. DSGVO. In case users comply to the use of the providers’ platform confined to the above outlines, the legal basis is processing of personal data para. 6 art. 1 lit. a., para. 7 DSGVO. As far as required and possible we have concluded a contract as to mutual responsibility according to para. 26 DSGVO.
Please use the following links to the providers in order to find detailed statements, dissent and opt-out options and information on requests.  
The following services may be connected with our online offers. This also comprises subscribing to or interacting with our channel. As far as users are members of the respective platforms, the social media will assign the user’s actions to the respective profiles. If you want to make sure that the social media in question is not placing banners or other advertising, you will have to configure your profile accordingly (opt-out).  In the following list you will find the respective opt-out options and further information on data protection.

(Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland), Facebook pages on basis of a contract on mutual handling of personal data – data privacy statement:, Opt-Out:, Privacy Shield:

Google/ YouTube

(Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) – Data privacy statement:, Opt-Out:


(Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA) – Data privacy statement/ Opt-Out:

Using Facebook Social Plugins

Our internet site uses social plugins (plugins) from the social networks of (Facebook), as far as you have confirmed the usage of cookies. This by means of a so called 2-click-solution, whereas the plugin will not activate before you click the button. Facebook is provided by Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. By retrieving one of our web pages containing this plugin and activating it, your browser will establish a direct connection with Facebooks servers. The plugin content will be transferred from Facebook directly to your browser and embedded in the website by your browser. By embedding the plugin Facebook will receive the information that you have retrieved our internet presentation. If you are logged in to Facebook, Facebook is able to assign your visit to your Facebook account. Intended purpose and scope of the collection and processing of data by Facebook and your relevant rights as to data privacy protection can be found at Facebook’s data security details: If you are a Facebook member and do not want Facebook to retrieve and assign your data to the memberdata collected and stored by Facebook, you have to log out from Facebook prior to visiting our site. Also, you may block Facebook’s social plugins with add-ons for your browser, for instance by using the Facebook blocker.

Contact form, email requests

On our website we offer a contact form you may use to retrieve information on our products and services, or make contact to us. Mandatory data fields to be completed, are marked as such. Other data fillouts are optional.
We need these data in order to be able to process your query and provide you with an answer. Data processing takes place due to concrete queries regarding questions on contracts or contract initiation. General queries are subject to processing according to a balancing of interests.
Queries on subjects other than proposed by the contact form will be processed electronically in order to answer your question. In this context other persons or third parties may be informed of the contents, you have sent by the contact sheet.
Transfer of form sheet data by internet will be sent through encrypted channels.
When contacting us per email or through our contact form, we collect and save your information for the purpose of handling your request and/or booking.


You are free to subscribe to our newsletter. In this case, please supply your email address. Please note that we may also receive information about opening rates and click rates from our newsletter subscribers in order to improve our newsletter. If you don’t comply, you are free to cancel the newsletter. You can cancel the newsletter any time by clicking the link on our website or in the newsletter itself.

Webcam Player / Live-Stream

Subpage features a live-stream from a webcam, located at the Goethe-Schule Flensburg, Bismarckstraße 41, 24943 Flensburg. Responsible party: GmbH, Reichenaustr. 19a, 78467 Konstanz ( When visiting the subpage or using the player, your information about using the website including your IP address will be transferred to This is required in order to process the desired live cam view with start image and live stream.
The processing of personal data is required in order to proceed the technical performances of the players and live stream, and in order to give a useful experience of our online offer, and thus in order to perform the contract (para. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR) on grounds of legitimate interest, according to para. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR.

You can find the data privacy statement for at .


Optional information

Optional data that you may relay to us, e.g. via forms, that are not required in order for us to perform, will be processed by us under the assumption that processing and using these data are in your own interest.

Receiving / transmitting data

In principle, data provided by you are not transmitted to third parties. Particularly your data shall not be transmitted to third parties for advertising purposes. The other recipients of the data can be found among the aforementioned service providers.
If required, we shall employ service providers in order to provide these internet pages or other products or services. It may occur that a service provider gains insight to personal data. We choose our service providers with care – particularly with regard to data protection and data security – as well as making all required legal provisions in order to achieve proper and permissible data processing.

Data processing outside the European Union

As far as personal data fillouts are being processed outside the European Union, this can be obtained from the foregoing information.

Your User Rights

You have the right to be informed. You have the right of access. You may contact us at any time.  
If you are requiring information in no-text format, we may require documentation in order to validate that you are the said person.  
You have the right to rectification, erasure or restricted processing within the appointed legal framework.
You have the right to object within the appointed legal framework. You have the right to data portability.

Erasing Data

In principle we erase personal data as soon as requirements for storage of the data is eliminated. Requirements may apply if data are continuously needed in order to provide fulfilment of services, or to verify or settle guarantee related claims. In case of legitimate retention requirement erasing data can be provided no sooner than after the time limits.

Complaints to Supervising Authority

You have the right to complain to the supervising authority in regard to our handling of personal data.

Data protection supervisor

We have a data protection supervisor. You can contact the data protection supervisor as follows:
Behördliche Datenschutzbeauftragte der Stadt Flensburg
- personally -
Post address: 24931 Flensburg
Telephone: +49 (0) 461-85 2230

Amendments of the data protection information

The data protection information can be subject to change according to changes of the internet site or due to other inducement that may require amendments. This internet site will contain the current version at all times.

Updated: 17/06/2020