Wasserturm Mürwik


Other sightseeing
With an observation deck 26 metres off the ground, the water tower is the perfect place to look over the city and firth. Here you can take a tour around the storage tank up above, in which 1.5 million litres of water are stored. This green landmark remains important for Flensburg’s water supply to this day. The view from the tower over Flensburg and all the way into Denmark is impressive. In good weather, you can see the shipyard, the municipal works, the church towers of St Nicholas, St Mary and St George, the façades of old houses lining the Schiffbrücke and the undulating landscape of Angeln. These are just a few of the many sights visitors to the water tower can expect. Admission is free. The observation deck can be reached by stairs or lift.


Getting there
Wasserturm Mürwik
Am Volkspark 500
24943 Flensburg