Point of View - the view from the 16th floor



Have a look from on high! Enjoy the view over Sønderborg city from 46 metres height.

Point of View is situated on the 16th floor in Alsik Hotel and Spa. The large windows offers an fantastic view over the entire Sønderborg city.

You can look out in all directions and enjoy the view up the inlet Als Sund, on Dybbøl Mill, over Sønderborg Castle to Vemmingbund and over the city to Kegnæs.

Book you ticket
The ticket, with a QR-code for the lift, is valid for a 30-minute stay. You have to book the ticket at the website www.alsikpov.dk . It is possible to book seven days in advance.

Book your ticket here


Getting there
Point of View - the view from the 16th floor
Nørre Havnegade 21-25
6400 Sønderborg