Dybbøl Mill is one of Denmark's most important national symbols. During the war of 1864, it became the symbol of the bravery of the Danish soldiers on the battlefield, and in the period 1864-1920 the symbol of the struggle of the Danish-minded southern Jutlanders under German rule. At the same time, it was a completely ordinary mill, which was run until 1990.
Today, the mill is a museum. On the ground floor of the grain magazine, there is an exhibition about the history of the mill 1744-2020. Here you can learn more about the influence of the two Schleswig Wars on the mill and about the family who lived there at the time. On the magazine loft, you will find an exhibition about Dybbøl as a symbol and about the many national celebrations - both Danish and German - that have taken place at Dybbøl Banke.
In the mill tower, you can see the old grinders and the big spur wheel. Afterwards you can go out on to the gallery and enjoy the beautiful view of Dybbøl Banke, Sønderborg and Vemmingbund.
Dybbøl Mill is closed for the winter in the period 1 November - 31 March.